Prime Roast Beast


prep 0:35      


4 servings



4 rib roast
Salt, kosher
Pepper, coarsely ground


Allow roast to sit at room temperature for 30 minutes. Rub all over with salt and pepper. Set oven to pre-heat to 350°F. Brown allover in electric frypan,** and place on roast pan with rack. Roast in preheaated oven for 90 minutes. Allow to stand for 20 minutes at room temperature before carving. Serve with risotto with truffle oil and steamed green beans flavored with basil oil.

Author's Comments

**Do NOT put any fat or oil in the pan before searing the meat. DO preheat the electric frypan to 400°F before you put in the meat. When the meat moves easily off the surface. turn the meat to an unseared side. As I said before, EASY.

Dessert was tangerines (like a crates's worth).

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