Ukrainian Meat Loaf Mock Rabbit




3/4 cup dry bread crumbs
1 cup milk
1 sm. onion, grated
3 tbsp. butter
1 lb. ground round steak
1/2 lb. ground lean pork
1 egg, slightly beaten
1 tsp. lemon juice
Salt and pepper
1/2 cup hot soup stock or
1 tbsp. flour
1/2 cup sour cream or
tomato juice


Soak the bread crumbs in the milk. Cook the onion in the butter until tender. Combine the bread crumbs, onion, ground meat, egg, lemon juice, and seasoning; mix these ingredients thoroughly. Be sure to season well with salt and pepper. Shape the mixture into a loaf and place it in a lightly greased pan. Brush the top with melted fat. Cover with greased paper or aluminum foil and bake in a moderate oven (350°F.) for 1 hour. When the loaf is partially baked, pour the hot soup stock or water over it, cover, and continue baking. Baste frequently. Remove the paper or aluminum foil for the last 1/4 hour of the baking period. When done, blend the flour with the sour cream or tomato juice and pour over the meat. Let it cook a while longer to blend the flavors. Remove the loaf to a hot platter. Season the sauce with salt and pepper, and then strain it. Cut the loaf into slices and pour the sauce over them.

Stuffed Meat Loaf:
Follow the preceding recipe for Meat Loaf. Use any favorite stuffing. Flatten the prepared meat mixture 1 inch thick on a floured waxed paper. Spread the stuffing over it and roll into a roll, sealing the edges. Slip carefully from the paper into a greased loaf pan. Cook as directed.

Suggested Stuffings:

Baked Buckwheat Kasha: Use a small quantity of cooked plain kasha or vary it with chopped browned mushrooms or chopped ham. An addition of a raw egg will help to keep the grains from separating, if the kasha is crumbly.

Hard cooked Eggs: Place the whole eggs lengthwise on the flattened meat and shape into a loaf.

Dill Pickles: Use long pickles and arrange them lengthwise on the meat. Shape into a loaf.

Bread Stuffing: Use any favorite preparation.

Mushrooms: Prepare a thick mixture of cooked mushrooms.

Sauerkraut: Use any favorite preparation.

Author's Comments


Literally translated, meat loaf is called by two names used interchangeably--minced roast and mock rabbit. Of these mock rabbit is the most popular name. Meat loaf may be plain and stuffed. This loaf is good served hot or cold or as a filling for sandwiches.

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