Preheat oven at 425°F. Follow the recipe for basic pie crust, but bake the crust for only 5 minutes. Revove from oven.
Reduce oven to 400°F. Line the bottom of pie crust with sliced tomatoes, sprinkle on spices. In bowl mix mayonnaise and cheese. Spread evenly over the tomato slices, covering all the edges, (like putting on icing). Bake for 35 minutes. Can be served at once, while still hot and
Author's Comments
This tomato dish is great when you have all those tomatoes and do not know what to do with them. Its great addition to a dinner or as a lunch treat.
Preheat oven at 425°F. Follow the recipe for basic pie crust, but bake the crust for only 5 minutes. Revove from oven.
Reduce oven to 400°F. Line the bottom of pie crust with sliced tomatoes, sprinkle on spices. In bowl mix mayonnaise and cheese. Spread evenly over the tomato slices, covering all the edges, (like putting on icing). Bake for 35 minutes. Can be served at once, while still hot and
Author's Comments
This tomato dish is great when you have all those tomatoes and do not know what to do with them. Its great addition to a dinner or as a lunch treat.
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