Stuffed Rolled Hamloaf


prep 0:25       total 1:15


8 to 10 servings



1 lb. ground ham
1/2 lb. ground pork
1/4 cup crushed saltine crackers
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. thyme
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 cup chopped onion
1 can (16 oz.) apricot halves, drained (juice reserved)
1/2 cup chopped parsley


In large mixing bowl, blend ground ham, ground pork, crackers, egg, milk, salt, thyme and pepper. Mix until well blended.

Moisten a piece of wax paper 18-inches long; pat meat mixture to make a 9x12-inch rectangle. Spread onion over top of meat evenly. Coarsely chop the drained apricots and sprinkle over onions. Sprinkle parsley over

Roll as for a jelly roll, starting with a 9-inch side. Lift up the waxed paper to start meat rolling; place meat roll in a lightly greased 9x5-inch pan. Bake at 350ºF for 50 minutes.

Meanwhile, boil juice down from canned apricots to measure 1/4 cup. Brush meat loaf halfway through baking with this juice. Allow to stand 10 minutes before serving.

Author's Comments

YUM! Easy - Can be prepared a day or so ahead of time.

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