Steamed Shau Mai



6 servings



1 lb. shrimp, chopped
1/2 lb. ground pork
1/4 cup chopped water chestnuts
1/4 cup chopped bamboo shoots


1 tbsp. shoyu, thinned
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. rice wine
1 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. sesame oil
1 tbsp. cornstarch
1 dash white pepper

Dipping sauce

1 tbsp. chopped scallions
2 tbsp. shoyu, thinned
1 tbsp. hot sesame oil
6 dried black mushrooms, soaked and chopped
1 scallion, chopped
Green peas, for garnish
40 round wonton skins
1 egg white, or
entire egg if desired


Combine all the chopped ingredients in a bowl; add in all the seasonings. Mix well; set aside for later use.

Place about 1 tbsp. of filling in the center of wonton skin. Take skin between index finger and thumb, gather edges together to make a waist; smooth top with a wet spoon, then place a green pea on top for garnish.

Put a damp cloth into a bamboo steamer and place the Shau Mai in single layer. Steam over high heat for 15 minutes. Serve with dipping sauce. May be cooked and frozen. Defrost and steam to reheat.

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1 Recipe Reviews

raymond Wong

raymond Wong reviewed Steamed Shau Mai on July 10, 2001

That is a very bad receipt. If you are not Chinese or Asian , please ask your friends that they know the culture to advise