Quick and Easy Trout



2 servings



1 rainbow trout (or other fish)
3 oz. butter
2 spring onions, chopped
1 ginger, chopped
2 tbsp. soy sauce
Salt and pepper, to taste
2 lemon wedges


Sprinkle the trout inside and outside with pepper, salt and lemon juice. Grill it both side for 5-10 minutes until flaky. While grilling, melt the butter. Add ginger and cook for 5 minutes. Then when it starts to boil, add the soya sauce and add enough water to make some sauce. When fish is ready, stir the onion into the sauce and pour onto fish.

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1 Recipe Reviews

Toronto guy

Toronto guy reviewed Quick and Easy Trout on April 18, 2003

Simple and tasty. Great to hide that fishy taste in the skin that gets most weak in the gut. Enjoy.