



4 oz. g. flour
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. chili powder
2/3 cup water
2 green chilies, finely chopped
1 tbsp. finely chopped coriander
1 tsp. melted butter or
2 onions, cut into rings
Oil, for deep-frying
8 sm. fresh spinach leaves
2 to 3 potatoes, parboiled and sliced


Sift the flour, salt and chili powder into a bowl. Stir in sufficient water to make a thick batter and beat well until smooth. Leave to stand for 30 minutes. Stir the chilies and coriander into the batter, then add the melted butter or ghee. Drop in the onion rings to coat thickly with batter.

Heat the oil in a deep pan, drop in the onion rings and deep-fry until crisp and golden. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon, drain on kitchen paper and keep warm. Dip the spinach leaves into the batter and deep-fry in the same way. Finally, repeat the process with the potato slices. Serve hot.

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