Mustard-Herb Marinade


prep 0:05       total 0:05



1/2 cup dijon mustard
2 tbsp. dry mustard
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
1/4 cup dry white wine
2 tbsp. dried tarragon
2 tbsp. dried thyme
2 tbsp. dried sage, crushed


Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl. Let stand 1 hour. Add chicken or fish and coat well. Let stand in marinade. Pat dry with paper towels. Use the remaining marinade to baste fish or chicken just before removing from the grill.

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1 Recipe Reviews


lebowskifan reviewed Mustard-Herb Marinade on June 14, 2005

This is delicious! I prepared a couple of cod fillets with the marinade and baked them in the oven... very nice flavor, very herby! I even printed the recipe out for my boss and she's going to try it. A quick and simple way to add a lot of flavor; I'm going to try it on chicken also.