Mohan Thaal




1 lb. coarsely ground besan
2 tbsp. milk
1/2 tbsp. ghee
1 lb. ghee
1 lb. sugar
3-1/2 oz. mawa, crumbled
3 cups water
Yellow food colouring
2 specks of edible camphor (brasso)
6 to 7 almonds, crushed
1/2 tsp. elaichi powder
Silver warq


Warm milk and mix in melted ghee. Now rub this into the besan until it resembles bread crumbs. Cover and set aside for 30 to 45 minutes. Sieve to break up any lumps.

Take a heavy pan and roast besan in ghee, stirring constantly. Remove when it turns a nice golden brown. Mix in mawa. Meanwhile, in another pan heat the sugar with the water and boil until a syrup of two-thread consistency is ready. Remove from heat. Add a little yellow colour, edible camphor and elaichi. Keep a well-oiled 10-inch diameter while both are still hot, until the thali is ready (the pieces will be thick).

Mix the syrup and besan adding the almonds. Blend well and immediately pour it into the thali. Set aside for 24 hours. Smear with a little hot ghee and gently put in warq. Cut into small diamond pieces and store in airtight tins. This keeps well for 15 to 20 days.

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