Mini Big Macs


prep 0:05       total 0:05


1 servings



2 vanilla wafers
1 chocolate mint wafer
Coconut, flaked
Honey, warmed
Sesame seeds
White frosting
Green food coloring


Take 2 Vanilla Wafers. Brush one with warmed honey and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Color flaked coconut; let turn green by diluting food color with water and sprinkling/shaking/rubbing in a plastic bag until color is evenly distributed. Spread on a plate and let dry. Using white frosting as the mayonaise/glue, layer cookie, mayo, lettuce, Chocolate mint patty, mayo, and sesame topped cooky to look like a burger.

Author's Comments

Neat for individual place setting name tags (written on top of bun) or favors to go with the big cake.

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2 Recipe Reviews


dragonfly reviewed Mini Big Macs on August 9, 2006

I also forgot to mention you can color some of the frosting yellow for mustard, and some red for catsup.


dragonfly reviewed Mini Big Macs on August 9, 2006

I used to make these when I was a little girl, and have been looking for the recipe ever sence. The kids loved them and had alot of fun making them. Takes me back :)