Leberknodel (Liver Dumplings)


prep 0:20       total 0:40


3 to 4 quarts



6 slices stale bread
1 cup warm milk
3/4 lb. beef liver
1 onion, chopped
2 stalks celery
2 eggs, beaten
1 tsp. salt
1 marjoram
1 lemon rind
2 qt. chicken stock


Cut bread into cubes; add milk, soak until cool and squeeze out milk. Grind bread, onions, meat and lemon rind together. Add mixure to bowl with eggs, salt, seasonings and enough bread crumbs to form dumplings. Boil chicken stock; add celery and dumplings and cook for 20 minutes.

Author's Comments

* I use an old type grinder, but you can use a food processor

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