Hungarian Chestnut Bonbons (Geszienyegolyok)



6 dozen



1-1/2 lb. chestnuts, cut an X through the skin before boiling-- then boil till soft, shell and skin them
1 tbsp. rum or
2-1/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup water
1 tbsp. light corn syrup
Vanilla Sugar (confectioners')


Puree chestnuts in a food mill, processor or through a sieve, and mix in rum to taste. Combine sugar, the water and corn syrup in a small heavy-bottomed saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil slowly, uncovered and without stirring, until mixture forms a hard ball when a little is dropped into cold water, or until it reaches 270 degrees F. on a candy thermometer. Stir syrup into chestnuts, and when mixture is cool enough to touch, roll it into chestnut shapes. Dredge with sugar, cool completely, dredge with a little more sugar and wrap each chestnut in bright foil. Makes about 6 dozen bonbons.


Place 1 pound confectioners' or granulated sugar in a jar with 2 or 3 vanilla beans. Close jar tightly and let stand for 48 hours before using. Replenish sugar as it is used up. Use as called for in individual recipes. Beans need replacing only after 4 or 5 months.

Visions of SugarPlums ..Sheraton

Author's Comments

GESZIENYEGOLYOK]..One of the more elegant holiday treats given out at smart Budapest restaurants were marvelous rum-flavored chestnut-shaped bonbons made of pureed chestnuts encased in a glassy sugar coating. To make these requires the skill of a professional patissier, but with this recipe you can approximate these confections.

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