I failed to mention that I started making this apple butter in a crockpot and let it simmer while I went to work. That is why it took up to 8 hours.
However, if you use an electric skillet or a stove top pot, it could simmer much faster. Just do not burn.
INFO--Burnt/scorch. If you notice that it burned and you have not stirred the pot and incorporated the burnt taste. Carefully pore out the good sause into container.
Pour a small amount of vinegar in pot and simmer while easily scraping with a sratch free spoon and the scorch should come right off.
Add can of apple sauce and cinnamon sticks to pot. Heat on high until it starts boiling, turn to low and simmer for 6 to 8 hours. **
Author's Comments
* applesause makes smooth applebutter, apples make soft chunky applebutter
** Do not add sugar at all. It has plenty of natural sweetness when reduced. If you use ground cinnamon do not add untill applesause has reduced to where it still has some juice and wet. Taste, to where you think it still needs more cinnamon or sugar. But, resist adding more,it will be sweet. Still do not add sugar, or ground cinnamon. Keep cooking till it get to the point of holding a peak. If you go past the point you desire, add a little water and cook to desire.
I would put on in morning, let cook on low all day. Then adjust to desire.
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