Greek Church Bread (Prosphoron)




1 pkg. active active dry yeast
2-1/2 cup warm water
6 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp. salt
Prosphoron seal


Sprinkle yeast over 1/4 cup warm water; stir until dissolved. Combine 5 1/2 cups of flour and salt in a large bowl and make a well in the center. Pour in yeast and remaining warm water. Mix with a wooden spoon. Sprinkle remaining flour over a board. Knead 10 minutes, adding as a little flour as possible to the board. Dough will be sticky. Put dough into a large bowl, cover with a cloth, and let rise in a warm place until double in bulk.

Sprinkle board with a little flour, punch dough down, and knead 15 minutes. (Dough should be firm and smooth.)

Form into a large round loaf and place in a heavily floured 12-inch round pan. Lightly flour the top of the loaf. Flour the prosphoron seal. Press seal down firmly in the center to make a sharp impression and leave on the dough.

Cover and allow to rise in a warm place until double in bulk. Remove seal.

Bake at 350 F. for 1 hour. Remove from pan to cool.

CAI Greek Cookbook

Author's Comments

The sacraments of Holy communion, bread and wine, are transformed during the divine Liturgy into the body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

The bread used is called �Prosphoron� or �the offer.� It is prepared by women parishioners according to church rules and is neither made with nor baked with any fat. After it is kneaded and shaped into a large round, it is stamped in the center with a sfragitha, a religious seal which is left on the dough while it rises. Leaving the seal on the dough insures a clear impression which is necessary because the design of the sfragitha divides it into nine squares. The center square, called the �lamb,� for Jesus Christ, is embossed with the letter IC XC NIKA, an abbreviation for �Jesus Christ conquers.� This is the portion that is combined with the wine for Holy communion.

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