Grandma's Meatballs


prep 0:15       total 1:30



2-1/2 to 3 lb. ground beef
4 to 5 slices bread
1 can evaporated milk
1 can chicken gumbo soup
1 can French onion soup
1 tsp. sage


Tear bread into small pieces in a large bowl. Pour milk over the bread, let soak about a minute. Add sage (salt, pepper, or garlic powder to taste). Add ground beef and mix thoroughly with your hands. (Lots of fun for kids!)

Roll into balls and place in 9x13-inch pan. Pour soups over the meatballs. Bake at 350°F for 1 hour.

Author's Comments

Kids will like this recipe!

Leftovers are great in a meatball sandwich. And perfect to take to work for lunch. At any event these meatballs are brought to, they are always the first to go.

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