Football Hero Sandwich


prep 0:10       total 0:20



3 Rhodes Texas™ rolls, thawed but still cold
1 egg, beaten
mayonnaise, if desired
3 lettuce leaves
3 sliced deli ham meat
3 slices cheese


Cut 1/4 off of one roll and roll it into a 10-inch rope. Cut the rope into 4 segments for the laces. Set aside. Press remaining 2 3/4 rolls into a football shape leaving the top mounded and edges thinner. Pull the ends to exaggerate the points. Place on a baking sheet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. With a knife, make a slight cut across the top of the football not quite reaching the points.

Lay each lace across the cut. Using a toothpick or knife, push the ends of the laces down into the football securing them tightly.

Brush with egg and let rise for 30 minutes. Bake at 350°F 20 minutes or until golden brown. Let cool and then slice. Spread with mayonnaise, if desired and stuff with lettuce, deli meat and cheese.

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