Dutch Holland Boerenjongens En Meisjes (Dutch Spiked Drink)




Farm Boys (Boerenjongens)

1 cup water
1 cup sugar
a stick of cinnamon
2-1/2 cup white raisins
1-1/2 pint brandy (Dutch white grain-brandy if possible.

Farm Girls (Boerenmeisjes)

1-1/2 cup dried apricots
1-1/2 cup water
1-1/2 cup sugar
1 piece lemon peel
1-1/2 pint brandy


Farm Boys:
Bring the water, sugar and cinnamon to a boil, add the raisins and simmer until they swell. Transfer to a bottle, pour the brandy in, and seal the top. Leave for 6 weeks.

Farm Girls:
Soak the apricots in the water with the sugar and lemon peel for 48 hours. Transfer to a bottle, pour in the brandy and seal the top. Leave for 6 weeks.

Author's Comments

Holland Boerenjongens En Meisjes Farm Boys and Girls These traditional Dutch drinks are served in large cut glass bowls with decorative ladles at weddings and on other festive occasions. They should be prepared six weeks in advance, and each recipe will serve approximately fifteen people.

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