Delicious Herb Sauce (Best on Spaghetti)


prep 0:10       total 0:20


1 servings



3 tbsp. butter,
1/2 tsp. garlic salt,
1 tbsp. parsley,
1 tbsp. basil,
1/2 tbsp. oregano,
1 tsp. thyme


Melt the butter in a small pan. Once melted, add the garlic salt and make sure swirl the pan around until it is all over in the butter. Now add all of the herbs. Simmer for about 2-5 minutes. Pour onto spaghetti (or whatever else you are utting it on). Shred parmesan cheese over it and eat up!

Author's Comments

You can put this on a lot of things: pastas, potatoes, popcorn, and more.

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