Czech-Style Halushky


prep 0:35       total 1:00



2 cups flour
1 tbsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 egg
1 cup milk
1 slice white stale bread cubed


Sift the dry ingredients together. Beat the egg lightly and add the milk. Combine the liquid with the dry ingredients and beat with a fork. Mix in the bread cubes.

The mixture should be thick enough to drop off a spoon. Put the batter on a piece of cheesecloth. Shape it into a roll, wrap lightly, but leave enough room for the dough to expand in cooking.

Place the roll in vigorously boiling salted water, cover tightly, and cook for 30 minutes without removing the cover. Lift to a platter, unwrap, and slice in 1/2 inch portions.

Serve immediately with roasted meat, gravy, and sauerkraut. Leftover halushky are delicious cubed and fried in butter or bacon fat.

Author's Comments

These halushky are actually a Czech dish (knedliki) they are served in Carpathian Ukraine, which was once under the Czech rule.

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