Chicken Jalapeno Crepes



6 servings



2 oz. unsalted butter
2-1/2 lb. chicken breast
2 lbs. aspargus
1 lb. Swiss cheese
2 cups sliced fresh mushrooms
1 whole onion
1/4 cup chopped fresh garlic
1/2 jalapeno, sliced thin
2 cups chicken broth
2 cups dry white wine
1/4 cup flour


2 cups milk
1/4 cup oil
2 eggs
1 tsp. salt
1 cup flour


Cut up chicken and saute in a large frying pan with a 1/2 stick of unsalted butter. After chicken is done, add onions, mushrooms, garlic, white wine and chicken broth. Cook on medium heat; once boiling, turn to simmer for 20 minutes. Sprinkle with about 1/4 cup of flour to thicken. Add Swiss cheese to the mixture.

Blend Crepe ingedients in a blender. Prepare crepes in a crepe maker or on a hot skillet.

Garnish crepes with aspargus and then serve with baked potato or steamed brown rice and a nice salad and white wine for beverage.

Author's Comments

It is from my High School Days and my 10th grade teacher Mr. Bender taught a crepe making class and we made dessert crepes and chicken crepes. I have since then changed the recipe for my liking and better flavor.

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