Beef Log


prep 4 days       total 4 days 12:00


3 loaves



5 lbs. ground chuck
5 tbsp. quick cure salt
1 tbsp. crushed red pepper, to taste
2 tbsp. garlic powder
2 tbsp. cayenne pepper
2 tbsp. mustard seed
1-1/2 tsp. hickory flavored salt
2 tbsp. cracked black pepper


In a large bowl mix all ingredients thoroughly. Cover and refrigerate. Each of the next 3 days, remove the mixture from the refrigerator, mix thoroughly and place back in refrigerator.

On the 4th day, remove from refrigerator and mix well. Form three log shaped loaves about 2-3" in diameter. Place on baking sheet (make sure you use one with fairly high sides to contain the grease runoff). Bake in a preheated 150°F oven for 11 to 12 hours (I find this works really well overnight since the heat is not high enough to cause a grease fire).

Remove from oven and let stand to cool, wipe any excess grease off the bottom of each loaf and wrap in aluminum foil. Slice as needed and store remainder in refrigerator.

Author's Comments

Makes a really great TN snack food and can also be used as a lunchmeat if you slice it thin. The best part is that it will keep really well in the refridgerator.

I really don't know how long it will actually keep because it never seems to last for very long in my house.

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