Ukrainian Plum Brandy (Slivyanka)


total 99 days


1 to 3 quarts



2 qt. very strong vodka
2 lbs. ripe plums
4 cups sugar or
1-1/2 qt. light sugar syrup, cooled


Put the plums in a crock. Add the vodka, seal the crock and set it in a dark place for four to six weeks. Drain off the vodka and reserve it. Add the sugar or cooled syrup to the crock and mix it with the plums. Let this mixture stand for two weeks: The sugar will draw the alcohol out of the plums.

Drain the syrup from the plums and add it to the reserved vodka. Discard the plums. Strain the brandy and pour it into bottles. Seal them and store for six months before serving. To make about 3 quarts.

Author's Comments

Light Sugar Syrup:

This recipe will yield a light sugar syrup. To make about 3 cups syrup.

1 cup sugar
2 1/2 cups water

Place the sugar and water in a saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring continously until the sugar dissolves. Dip a pastry brush in hot water and use it to wipe down the sides of the pan to dissolve any clinging sugar crystals. Increas the heat, bring the syrup to a boil without stirring, and boil it for one minute before removing the pan from the heat.

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